Advanced Healthcare Directives in Connecticut

Protecting Your Medical Wishes

As you age, you may be thinking more about your medical treatment plans and decisions for the future. There may come a time when you are unable to voice your opinions about your healthcare needs. Creating an advance directive gives you a voice in the future, even if you can no longer speak for yourself.

Working with an advanced healthcare directive lawyer is the best way to make your medical decisions known. Our team at the Law Offices Of Ericson, Scalise & Mangan, PC, is here to help you create legally sound documents to ensure your wishes are respected and followed. If you have any questions about advance directives or would like to learn more about our team, please call us today at 860-854-3809.

What is an Advance Directive?

An advance healthcare directive is a broad term that can include multiple legal documents. All of the documents in a healthcare directive are meant to protect your best interests when getting medical care.

Advance directives may include:

  • Living Will. A living will is a written statement that describes your medical wishes for the future
  • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order. A DNR order instructs medical professionals not to attempt to revive you if your heart stops
  • Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST). In this document, you can dictate the treatments you do or do not want for end-of-life care

Should You Consult an Advance Directive Attorney?

Everyone can benefit from an advance directive. Whether you are perfectly healthy or you have a serious illness, noting your medical decisions now protects you from harm in the future. If you are incapacitated or in an accident, your advance directive provides the guideline for your loved ones to follow. If you’re interested in creating an advanced healthcare directive, contact our team of attorneys today. We can recommend specific legal documents that meet your healthcare goals. We will also update your advance directive regularly as your circumstances change. For more information, call the Law Offices Of Ericson, Scalise & Mangan, PC at 860-854-3809 today.

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