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Are You Worried About Your Aging Parent?

Are You Worried About Your Aging Parent?

If you are part of the sandwich generation, you may be raising your own children, while also caring for your aging parents. This can be a trying time and can affect nearly every aspect of your life. So, what can you do to make the process a little easier on you and your family?

What are the most important considerations?

  • Communicate clearly with your parents. Waiting until the need hits is too late to have this essential conversation. Start the discussion now about what your parents want as they age and how you can honor their preferences. Create a plan that can help all of you be happy — one that will provide the proper care at the proper times for the rest of their lives. This will make it easier to communicate once the need becomes apparent.
  • Take time for yourself. Being a caretaker can be overwhelming. You not only have the needs of your parents to address, but you probably also have a career and work-related responsibilities. In addition, you may have young children or teenagers who need your constant attention. Stress is a leading cause of heart disease, so it is critical that you be able to take time for yourself.
  • Bring in a third-party consultant. Throughout the process, both you and your parents could benefit from working with a third-party consultant. This is an expert who is unbiased and objective. He or she can review options, give advice and ensure that both you and your parents understand all of the processes.
  • Consider the options available. Before you simply decide on a nursing home facility, you should consider other potential options, including in-home health care, community living, assisted living and nursing facilities. They may each have a benefit at a different stage of the aging process. What works for you and your parents?

It can be challenging to be in this position with your parents. Before you and your parents make hasty decisions or say words you later regret, work with an expert in eldercare to help you feel comfortable with the choices you make. Call us today to learn more.

Do you have questions?

Count on your experienced team at Ericson, Scalise & Mangan, PC to provide you with sound guidance for your Estate Planning, Elder Law, Real Estate, Probate, Trust & Estate Administration, and other legal needs. For assistance, contact us today at 860-854-3809, or email us at

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