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When Someone Passes

Staying Busy in Retirement

What do you picture when you picture retirement? Maybe you’ve given the matter some thought after a stressful workday that didn’t seem to have enough hours in it. Obviously, you’d sleep until late in the morning, have a leisurely breakfast and then settle in to watch TV all day. Maybe you’d sit on the porch at 5:00 or so and watch the rest of the world start their commute home. Then you’d read for a while to unwind before bed.

That’s a fine program for the first week or so. But sooner or later, it’s bound to get boring. What can you do to fill up your schedule after retirement?


There’s no better way to celebrate your newfound freedom than by hitting the road. Luckily, you’ll find that wherever you choose to go, senior discounts are waiting for you. Whether you go by plane, train, bus, or car rental or whether you book a cruise, you’ll have no trouble finding lower rates on them, on hotels, and on destinations like museums and national parks. Check the AARP’s complete list of member benefits to plan your trip.


There is a reason many retirees end up getting part-time jobs. It’s nice to have some extra spending money on top of your retirement income, and many people miss the social aspects of work. A postretirement job is also far less stressful; you don’t have to worry about your career or promotions unless you really want to. Some people find that getting out of the house a few days a week is healthy and beneficial in several ways. If anything, it breaks up monotony and allows one to feel useful to others.


If money isn’t an issue, consider looking into volunteer opportunities. They have all the social benefits of a job; you can work as many or as few hours as you feel like working; and you can work for a cause you believe in. The government provides senior volunteering opportunities through AmeriCorps Seniors and on, the volunteer registry for the National Park Service. is a database of food pantries and food kitchens, and Meals on Wheels is the country’s largest distributor of meals to the homebound.


When you were working you probably had time to go golfing, walking, or play tennis. Retirement means you have more time to do those things. But, if you neglected those activities while trying to earn a living, there’s still time to figure out what form of relaxation or exercise you’re still capable of. Start slowly with walking, gravitate to biking, or consider yoga! The benefits of regular exercise are enormous, and they follow you into “old-age.”

Get a hobby

Ever wished you had time to take up painting, learn to crochet, or do some hiking? Whatever your dreams, you’ve got time to pursue them now. Check out your local library or community center to find out about any clubs or classes they host. Or check out Facebook Groups or Meetup to find others who share your interests.

There’s no need to be bored in retirement. With a bit of planning, you’ll find you have time for all the things you never got around to when you were working 9 to 5. In fact, a common observation of many retirees is they say they’re busier in retirement than when they were working!

Do you have questions?

You can count on Ericson, Scalise & Mangan, PC to provide you with sound guidance and experience in these uncertain times. For assistance with your legal needs, please contact us today at (860)854-3809, or email us at

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